気がつくと監獄の中のベッドの上で手錠を掛けられて監禁されていた…足音がだんだんと近づいてきて登場したのは恐持ての恰幅の良い親父。逆らうことは出来ずにされるがまま体を嘗め回されてペニスもアナルも弄ばれて・・・嫌がるけいいち君の迫真の演技は絶品です。Was still confined in handcuffs on the bed in the prison ... footsteps appeared to come closer gradually When notice is portly father of Mote fear.Penis and anal to the mercy passed around licking the body that go against while but is unable to ...Convincing performance of Keiichi you hating is superb.