あの頃、祖母はエロかった〜昔に戻って、ばあちゃんにエッチなお返しを〜 The Motion Anime 幸田美代子(CV:夏川菜々美) H-EAGLE
あの頃、祖母はエロかった〜昔に戻って、ばあちゃんにエッチなお返しを〜 The Motion Anime
PCゲーム『あの頃、祖母はエロかった〜昔に戻って、ばあちゃんにエッチなお返しを』が早くもモーションアニメ化!!原画家『栗の花』×シナリオライター『坂元星日』!35歳の会社員。ひょんなことから過去にタイムスリップ!!性知識&性経験が豊富なまま当時の姿に!!その当時ものすごく可愛がってくれたばぁちゃんに性的悪戯を仕掛けます!!アパタイトがこの春贈る“ちょっと不思議なHな物語”。A 35 year old office worker. A 35-year-old company employee、 by chance、 time slips into the past! She is back to the way she was back then、 with a wealth of sexual knowledge and experience! She plays a sexual prank on her grandmother who was very loving to her back then!
Wan is a little teen school girl who just finished with class、 and has a certificate in "Creampie Collections" That's serious credentials in her line of work! Wan has always been a ...