本番禁止のイメクラに行ったらなんと!!●校時代の知り合い、バイトの先輩、友達の奥さん、大学時代の同級生、にばったり遭遇。気まずい雰囲気のままプレイスタート。さりげなく素股中にポイントを3cmずらしてこっそり挿入!!拒否られると思いきや、こっそり「●●君だけだよ。」と本番性交。当時を思い出し気持ちが高ぶって膣外射精をしようとしたら中でいいよとそのまま生中出し。She runs into an acquaintance from her school days、 a senior at her part-time job、 her friend's wife、 and a classmate from her college days. The play starts in an awkward atmosphere. Thinking he would refuse、 he secretly said、 It's only for you... and they had full-blown intercourse. Remembering those old days、 he was so excited that he tried to ejaculate outside the vagina、 but she told him that it was okay to ejaculate inside.