娘の部屋で見つけた無記名のDVDには、娘がお友達とバーベキューを楽しむ姿が。しかし見続けていくとどうも様子がおかしい。お友達の父親たちのセクハラはどんどんエスカレートし、終いには乱交に…。愛する娘がオヤジどもに犯される光景に憤りを感じつつも、同時にどうしようもなく興奮してしまいました。I found an unmarked DVD in my daughter's room that showed her enjoying a barbecue with her friends. However、 as I continued to watch、 something seems to be wrong. The sexual harassment of her friends' fathers escalates and eventually leads to an orgy... I was angry at the sight of my beloved daughter being rap*d by the old men、 but at the same time、 I was inexplicably turned on.
Making her Creampie Thais debut this week is Parw. Sexy Thai girl Parw is 22 years old and works as a waitress at one of my favorite aGoGos in Bangkok. I've been trying to creampie this luscio...